

welcome to staticliquid.

There are many places out there that offer successful trading strategies.  However, blindly following someone else’s instructions is not always conducive to success.  The best chef in the world for example, could give you the recipe for a fantastic meal, but it doesn’t make you a Michelin star chef by simply following his instructions.  You need to learn about different ingredients, cooking methods, and various presentation techniques.  You then need to learn the processes and results of putting them all together. You need to be able to understand what works well together, and why, and be prepared to keep wanting to improve your recipes.  Finally, you must accept that you are going to ruin or burn the meal occasionally.

Trading is very similar. It has ingredients, processes, and ways to keep improving the outcome.  And yes, you are always going to have some burnt trades.

So, if blindly copying someone else’s strategy is not going to work in the long run, how do you teach yourself to trade successfully?

Here at staticliquid, we believe there are three cornerstones required to becoming a successful trader.

The first, Work, is something you need to bring yourself. When YouTube traders say you can get rich by trading 5 minutes a day, they are full of it. More like you must spend all but 5 minutes a day working to “make it”. We can’t provide your work ethic for you; you need to bring this yourself. If you don’t or can’t, then I suggest you stop this right now and go put your favourite streaming service on and go and chill instead.

Next up is Plan. Having a plan is where we come in. We aim to provide you with the ammo you need, for you to make your own trading plan, that will guide you to success.  This isn’t a step-by-step strategy handed to you, it is a companion to help you learn how to build your own trade plan.  It will help you design and maintain your own recipe for trading success.

Finally, belief. This is again something you must bring yourself. Even if you have a successful plan, and have the strongest work ethic in the world, if you don’t have belief then you can get sideswiped by the markets very easily. The markets will humble you not just today as you begin your journey, but they will continue to humble you for as long as you keep doing this. No trading system is 100% successful. You will have losing trades and losing streaks. If you don’t have belief, these losses will make you lose your patience and trust in your system. Once that happens you will inevitably start trading outside your system further compounding your losses as you begin to trade unstructured. Eventually you will either lose your stake which will force you to quit, or you will simply lose faith completely and give up by your own decision.




So, work and belief you need to bring yourself.  Here’s how we will help you to build your plan.

The course is broken down into several sections, to make them more easily digestible.

Section 1 is an overview of the things you need to think about to put into your plan.  We will help you to understand what should be in your plan.This may be enough for some of you to be able to build your own plan. If not, then….

Section 2 aims to break down section 1 and give granular detail into what we recommend goes into your plan. This is the bulk of the information given in this course. This is led from a technical analysis point of view but can easily be used from a fundamental view also, or even better, both, which is the best of both worlds.

Finally, section 3 is a prebuilt template incorporating elements of our own plan, thus streamlining the process to building your own.  If you already have a plan, then hopefully this section will at least provide elements you have previously not considered, to improve your overall trading business.

Before you all skip the first two sections and think section three is your golden ticket to being successful, then think again.  There is no golden ticket. It takes a lot of time, effort and belief to be successful in the markets.  The aim of all this is to help improve your chances, remember you still need to bring the work and belief yourself!

So, you’re still here, great, let’s crack on……